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Discovering Your Answers Within

At Celestine Mentoring, we hold a profound belief that the answers you seek are already within you. Our purpose is to support your journey, providing guidance that fosters the expansion of a broader perspective. Through purposeful questioning, we facilitate a process of self-discovery, where you uncover the insights that resonate most deeply with your unique path.


1-to-1 Personal Mentoring

To cater to your needs, our services include one-off sessions for focused exploration or a rolling monthly program featuring two sessions per month for deeper and sustained growth.

Hourly Sessions:

Our 1-to-1 personal mentoring sessions span a duration of 60 minutes and can be conducted over video or audio, as per your personal preference.


Conscious Conversation:

As explored in the 12th Celestine Insight, our mentoring takes the form of Conscious Conversations. This approach involves holding space for you and encourages reflection as you process your situation.

Guided Exploration:

We’re at Your Side. Whether you’re seeking guidance through challenging times or striving to determine your next steps, we’ll accompany you on your path.

Our Services

Single Session Option:

Price: $125 per session

Offering: Take one mentoring session with no tie-ins.

Great for …

  • Exploring mentoring and assessing if it’s a good fit for your needs.
  • Taking sessions on an adhoc basis to suit your schedule.

Contract: A one-off contract is provided and must be resigned for every subsequent session taken.

Your Mentor: We will match you with a mentor in alignment with your needs. However, please note the same mentor can not be guaranteed for multiple single sessions.

Our Services

Monthly Package Option:
40% Discount

Price: $150 per month

Offering: Take two 1-to-1 mentoring sessions per month.

Great for …

  • For those committed to a deeper experience, this service provides consistent support as you work towards achieving your goals.

Contract: 3-month contract

Your Mentor: We will match you to a mentor in alignment with your needs and this person will be assigned to you for the full duration of your mentoring contract.

Book Your Discovery Call

Ready to begin your journey? Click below to book a free discovery call with us.


Celestine Mentoring is part of the Celestine Vision Group

Copyright © 2023 Mentoring Celestine Vision. All rights reserved.